Upper Austrian Jazz Orchestra welcomes Ed Puddick in January 2021

UAJO with Ed Puddick

In the midst of a very difficult year for musicians around the world, Ed was so grateful to the members of the Upper Austrian Jazz Orchestra for agreeing to spend three days in January recording (and filming!) his music. Christian Maurer (saxophonist and musical director of the UAJO) made the whole thing possible, all Ed had to do was get to Austria in the middle of a global pandemic and a UK flight ban! As it turns out, you can get the train from London to Vienna in just 14 hours….who knew?!? The long trip through France, Belgium and Germany was definitely worth it as the result was twelve tracks, expertly recorded by Reinhard Brunner of ATS Records and brilliantly filmed by Bernhard See and his CURLYHEAD MEDIA crew. Photos of the sessions can be found on Ed’s Instagram and Facebook pages….there are even some sneak preview videos on YouTube. Full length videos will be released soon and a CD of the recordings will be launched when Ed returns to Austria in June 2021.

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