Wigan Youth Jazz Orchestra commission tribute to Hugh Masekela

Following the recent death of South African jazz superstar Hugh Masekela, the Wigan Youth Jazz Orchestra have commissioned a new piece from Ed Puddick. Ed’s collaboration with one of the UK’s best youth big band stretches back to 2011 when they invited him to write a new piece featuring Australian multi-instrumentalist James Morrison.

WYJO’s 2019 piece “Ramapolo” (Masekela’s middle name) is a gentle swing composition that moves from 3/4 to 4/4 and briefly into 5/4. Masekela found fame through his lyrical flugelhorn playing so this moderately challenging chart features an improvised solo for any of the band’s fantastic young flugehorn players, as well as an alto saxophone solo.

UPDATE 26/05/2020 : This chart is now available to purchase HERE

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